Ego Buster

Results (18)

  Player EBR PPD Result Date Type
Aki 51.83% 8.1 85 / 234 36.3% 2024-09-27 13:29 (52 mins) full
Aki 53.66% 11.5 88 / 234 37.6% 2024-09-22 15:23 (36 mins) full
Aki 48.17% 3.3 79 / 234 33.8% 2024-09-17 12:23 (50 mins) full
Aki 49.09% 13.2 27 / 78 34.6% 2024-07-15 19:17 (12 mins) quick
Aki 33.54% 3.3 55 / 234 23.5% 2024-07-09 13:07 (41 mins) full
Aki 51.22% 12.9 84 / 234 35.9% 2024-07-04 11:24 (41 mins) full
Aki 40.24% 4.8 66 / 234 28.2% 2024-07-01 12:22 (49 mins) full
Ifor 16.46% 3.3 27 / 234 11.5% 2024-06-30 16:52 (23 mins) full
Aki 45.45% 6.5 25 / 78 32.1% 2024-06-25 22:06 (19 mins) quick
Aki 43.90% 6.7 72 / 234 30.8% 2024-06-25 14:14 (26 mins) full
Aki 29.27% 6.6 48 / 234 20.5% 2024-06-22 17:29 (39 mins) full
Ifor 12.80% 0.0 21 / 234 9.0% 2024-06-21 12:32 (21 mins) full
Aki 49.09% 9.8 27 / 78 34.6% 2024-06-18 19:45 (9 mins) quick
Aki 40.00% 3.2 22 / 78 28.2% 2024-06-17 23:15 (12 mins) quick
Aki 50.91% 6.3 28 / 78 35.9% 2024-06-17 22:54 (12 mins) quick
Aki 47.27% 3.3 26 / 78 33.3% 2024-06-17 18:38 (9 mins) quick
TJ 20.00% 3.2 11 / 78 14.1% 2024-06-15 15:49 (22 mins) quick
Ifor 12.73% 0.0 7 / 78 9.0% 2024-06-15 15:39 (7 mins) quick
Noob: 25%
Avg: 50%
Good: 75%
Pro: 100%
EBR The Ego Buster Rating is calculated by multiplying your Total Hits divided by 164 or 55 for the quick test. A score of near 100% or better would apply to elite players.
PPD The Points per Dart is the average score of the T19 and T20's hit. The maximum possible PPD is 58.5.
Result The Result is the total number of hits divided by the number of attempts.
Visits Darts 3-Dart Avg
3 9 167
4 12 125.3
5 15 100.2
6 18 83.5
7 21 71.6
8 24 62.7
9 27 55.7
10 30 50.1
11 33 45.6
12 36 41.8
13 39 38.6
14 42 35.8
15 45 33.4
16 48 31.4
17 51 29.5
18 54 27.9